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2008-07-24 Views:17112




泰和泰从未停止过寻求扩大规模的国际化的机会。最近我们加入了中世律所联盟(SGLA), 以获取更多和外界交流的机会。2008年《亚洲法律杂志》评选的中国国际化律所十强之一路伟律师事务所亦是中世律所联盟的一员。泰和泰的长期战略伙伴,香港胡关李罗律师事务所也被评为香港律所第二强。


Selected by Asian Legal Business(ALB), Tahota Law Firm successfully stands in 20 China’s Largest Law Firms in June 2008. Being the 11th Largest Law Firm of China, Tahota achieves the glory for it’s 8 year development. “Along with their incredible rises in headcount, the firms in the 2008 ALB China 20 are becouming richer and more rational, and have higher turnovers and more confidenc in their success than ever before.” Quote the ALB comment. It depects the real situation of Tahota and also China’s morden law firms.

Started in May 2000, Tahota Law Firm has now developed to be the largest law firm of the province,constitutes of 10 departments of company business, finace and securities, international business, real estate, intellegent property, litigation and arbitration, maritime matters, criminal justifications, law research and bankruptcy matters.

Presenctly,there are 22 partners, 260 registered lawyers, assistants and administration employees in Tahota, all registered lawyers have bachelor or higher degree, moreover, there are more than 60 lawyers have master degree or PHD and studied abroad.

Tahota never stop seizing the opportunity to expand it’s scale and the way of internationalization. We joined Sino Global Legal Alliance(SGLA)recently to achieve more exposure in the outside world. Lovells, one of the member in SGLA, is also one of 2008 ALB China’s 10 Largest International Firms in China. Tahota’s long-term strategic associate Hong Kong Woo Kwan Lee&Lo Law Firm is one ALB China’s Largest Firms in Hong Kong.

On retrospect of 20 years development history of morden China’s legal system and lawyer system. We learns from the history and turn to the future. Tahota would like to be the leading part in the develop progress of China’s Lawyer System. It’s our honor, and also our duty to push for the best.

Copyright 泰和泰律师事务所

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