2021-01-13 浏览次数:227272021年1月13日,国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)公布了《2021年钱伯斯亚太法律指南》(Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021 Guide)大中华区公司/商事地域排名上榜律所及优秀律师榜单。泰和泰律师事务所凭借卓越的业务能力、优质的法律服务及良好的业界声誉,荣获 荣获 “公司/商事领域 西部(四川)地区” Band 1、“公司/商事领域 西部(陕西、山西、甘肃、宁夏、青海)地区”Band 2 排名;同时我所首席合伙人程守太律师,高级合伙人倪弘律师、韩颖梅律师、李锦南律师荣登该榜单。
What the team is known for Well-regarded full-service firm providing advice on a comprehensive range of issues including M&A, corporate governance, financing and dispute resolution. Possesses noteworthy expertise in liquidation issues and the establishment of investment funds. Also active handling investment projects and developments in the energy and real estate spheres. Counts local associations, SOEs and private companies as its clients. Clients benefit from its fast-expanding national network.
Work highlights Acted on behalf of Power China Real Estate Group on its acquisitions of multiple real estate development companies.
Cheng Shoutai plays a significant role at the firm. He has a wealth of experience assisting government entities as well as domestic and foreign enterprises with various corporate matters.
Ni Hong remains a counsel of choice in corporate and IP matters among foreign and domestic entities. Additionally she offers expertise on real estate issues, including project financing, land acquisition and tax planning.
Han Yingmei routinely assists financial institutions in investment and asset management. She is also experienced in handling capital markets and corporate/M&A for large enterprises.
韩颖梅 律师经常协助金融机构处理投资和资产管理。她为大型企业处理资本市场和公司并购的经验也很丰富。
Li Jinnan is dual-qualified in China and New York State. He has a growing reputation in cross-border financing and investment. He also ably assists international clients with regulatory and corporate governance matters.
李锦南 律师同时具有中国和美国纽约州的律师资格。他在跨境融资和投资业务方面的声誉正在增长。他也善于协助国际客户处理合规和公司治理事务。