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Join us

If you have zeal and believe that the law can change the world, you are the one that we want.

Tahota Law Firm's global office hereby invites you:

if you look out as much for new challenges and breakthroughs,

as we want you to be part of Tahotas growth and reform,

together let us spearhead what is to come under the new pattern.

Tahota attaches great importance to the selection and training of outstanding talents and uses a unified admission assessment system. It provides different training for employees, such as induction training, lawyer business training, weekly forums, youth training camps, brainstorming sessions, and mock courts, etc. Additionally, we have College of Lawyers Tahota Law Firm, a cloud-based shared learning platform where employees can learn anywhere.

We hope that everyone who comes to Tahota will gain something and grow every day. We look forward to your joining.

If you're aspiring to join Tahota, please email your resumes and other information to Tahota Human Resources Department, i.e. hr@tahota.com



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