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Resource and Energy

Tahota Law Firm is backed by rich expertise and a pool of talented lawyers in the practice sector of resource and energy. The business in this sector is now jointly carried out by nearly 40 members including managing partners, professional lawyers, paralegals and secretaries of Tahota. Supported by a hundred of clients from the mineral resources and energy sector, Tahota boasts lawyers and legal teams with rich theoretical and practical experiences in fields such as mineral products acquisition, reorganization and restructuring as well as resource and energy project financing and can provide high-quality professional legal services for clients. Adhering to the practice concept of “rigorous, professional, efficient”, we strive to protect the legal interests of our clients to the maximum extent in every legal case, and safeguard the operation and management of our clients.

Main Service

  • Operation and management of mineral enterprises
  • Acquisition, reorganization and restructuring of mineral enterprises
  • Investment and financing for resource and energy projects
  • Dispute settlement for resource and energy enterprises

Primary Contact


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