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Tahota Law Firm and several lawyers from our firm were listed on Greater China Region 2021 Corporate/Commercial Ranking of Chambers and Partners

2021-01-13 Views:22849

 On January 13, 2021, Chambers and Partners, an international authoritative legal rating agency, released the list of law firms and outstanding lawyers on Greater China Region 2021 Corporate/Commercial Ranking in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021 Guide. By virtue of excellent business capabilities, high-quality legal services and good industry reputation, Tahota Law Firm was awarded Band 1 in Western (Sichuan) Region Corporate/Commercial Ranking, and Band 2 in Western (Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai) Region Corporate/Commercial Ranking. In addition, Lawyer Cheng Shoutai (Chief Partner), Lawyer Ni Hong (Senior Partner), Lawyer Han Yingmei, and Lawyer Li Jinnan were on the list.


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