Tahota Lawyer Xiao Liu was Invited to Attend the Visiting Activities of American
2016-09-23 Views:2862Related tags
On September 23, 2016, as one of the Ba-Yu Lawyer Talents, Lawyer Xiao Liu fromTahota Chongqing Office set out on her journey to America as a visiting scholarwith other 17 elite lawyers who were chosen by Chongqing Lawyers Association andinvited by American Harvard Business School.
“Ba-Yu Lawyer Talents” project is a special talentstraining program which is executed and cooperated by office of ChongqingMunicipal Committee Talents Work Leading Group and Chongqing Justice Bureau.And the purpose of this project is to prepare more high-level professionallawyers in the fields of company listing, overseas investment financing, mergerand acquisition, international trade and intellectual property etc. in the formof domestic and overseas training, exchange and cooperation. ChongqingMunicipal Committee Talents Work Leading Group Office allocated special fundsfor this project to provide capital security.
This visitingwill last for 15days from September 23 to October 6, and the visiting scholarteam will visit Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University,Maclaurin and Stern Law Firm and etc., discuss with American specialists on thelegal topics such as legal concept, bankruptcy reorganization, internationalinvestment and financing etc., communicate and exchange their opinions deeplyon how to develop specific legal business cooperation between America andChina.