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4th Salon Held by Tahota International Business Department

2014-09-03 Views:30293

On Sept. 2, 2014, the 4th salon of Tahota International Business Department was successfully held at Thousand Plateaus Art Space. This activity was organized by the international business department of Tahota. More than 30 persons participated in this activity, including director Shoutai Cheng, senior partner Chunyan Ma, partner Jing Yang and other international business lawyers.

Chunyan Ma, Director of the International Business Department, presided over this salon. On the meeting, doctor Jia Yuan declared the formal release of Tahota International Trade and Investment& Financing Law Communication. After that, lawyer Tiankui Zhang took legal problem for the investment in Laos mining for example to share his experience and thinking on foreign investment. Lawyer Yingrong Liu carefully interpreted Tahota HR legal service overall solution. It was the first time to present Tahota’s HR legal service product.  

Finally, the art director Jie Liu of Thousand Plateaus Art Space briefly introduced Chinese and foreign artistic development history and different artistic schools, thus bringing meeting attendants with artistic edification and enjoyment of aesthetics. The salon was successfully completed but we believe that the collision between the law and the art will continue forever.


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