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The Lawyers of Tahota, Shoutai Cheng and Jianhong Yang, Were Employed as the Arbitrators of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

2014-06-15 Views:30084

Recently, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission published the list of newly-appointed arbitrators, the lawyer of our firm, Shoutai Cheng, and the senior partner, Jianhong Yang, were included, the employment period starts from May 1, 2014.

China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC for short) is one of world’s main permanent commercial arbitration agencies, it was founded in April, 1956, and attached to China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and its name was Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission at that time. The Arbitration Commission solved the economic and trade disputes by arbitration independently and justly.  The Arbitration Commission keeps friendly cooperation relations with main arbitration agencies in the world and enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad by its independence, justice and efficiency.

This employment was applied by themselves and checked by the Arbitrator Qualification Examination and Assessment Committee of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission after the steps of first review by CIETAC, training examination, interview and the like, and finally the employed persons will finally confirmed after being reviewed on the meeting of directors.  


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