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Concern on Legal Education on Juveniles and Cultivation on Young Citizens of Informed Compliance

2012-09-07 Views:1946

At forenoon of August 31, 2012, lawyer Yan Xiaorong, the partner of Tahota headquartered in Chengdu, was invited by Chengdu Commercial Daily to Chengdu Shishi Union Middle School for first lesson of the semester themed “Behave Yourself as Citizens of Informed Compliance”. The lesson has clarified to all teachers and students of the school that how vital is the law to the students with vivid cases and lively speech in professional view. The lesson pointed out the possible serious consequences caused by some uncivilized behaviors and irrational acts so as to help students to establish a correct legal sense and safety awareness.

After class, the lawyer Yan Xiaorong was specially engaged as the legal counselor for Shishi Union Middle School, who would periodically hold legal lectures and cultivate students’ consciousness of law-abiding civilization. A series of follow-ups were also tracked by Chengdu Commercial Daily.


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