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Lawyer Cheng Shoutai Being a Guest at Idea Meeting of Ace Youth Development Centre

2013-12-01 Views:1787

On December 1, lawyer Cheng Shoutai, Director of Tahota Law Firm, was invited as a guest speaker to the Idea Meeting jointly held by Ace Youth Development Centre and CMBC (China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd.). The Ace Youth Development Centre was established by specialists and scholars and social elites from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao and Taiwan Province, which supports and encourages young people to satisfy the social needs changing with the times with their spirit of diversification and co-creation and inspires their dreams.

Lawyer Cheng has talked about the growing experience of himself and his life in Tahota Law Firm, which inspired the courage of all of the youth present at the meeting to pursue their dreams and seek their individuality. The speech has brought much of positive energy for young people and gained a favorable reception from public community.


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