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Wang XiaoPartner

Personal profile

  • Wang Xiao focuses on the protection of intellectual property rights in China, especially concerning anti-counterfeiting and anti-unfair competition in the area of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, computer software and designs. He advises regional and international corporations covering a wide range of industries, including machinery, electronics, chemical, luxury, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, alcohol and liquor etc. He also provides counseling on the practice related to software development, online payment and social media etc.

  • Mr. Wang has extensive experience in helping clients protecting their IP rights through criminal procedures. He has handled a large number of cases concerning the protection of trademark, copyright and trade secret in criminal procedures. He deeply understands the working modes of law enforcement agencies and is good at protecting brand owners’ rights while cooperating with law enforcement agencies in criminal procedures.

Education background

  • Chinese People’s Public Security University, LLM

  • China Criminal Police College, BS

Work experience

  • Prior to join in Tahota Law Firm in 2016, Mr. Wang Xiao had worked for Global Law Office, King & Wood Mallesons and the Law Enforcement Agency.

Social positions and memberships

  • Member of NTM Committee of INTA

Representative performance

  • Advised a leading international agricultural machinery manufacturer on IP infringement, and represented the client in enforcing its trademarks against the infringers

  • Represented several famous spirit brands in criminal procedure against the counterfeiters in China

  • Represented a Japanese tool company in enforcing its trademarks and handling trademark prosecution matters

  • Advised a leading Chinese baby food corporation on IPR protection around the world

  • Represented a leading English test brand to handle infringement matters

  • Assisted a leading regional Venture Capital in due diligence during investment and providing professional opinions on potential IP risks

  • Advised a leading Chinese education group on protection of trade secrets and defence of commercial defamation

  • Advised several leading Chinese Manufacturers on overseas trademark registration and protection

  • Advised several international companies on the notification of new chemical substances and imp. & exp. thereof

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