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Lawyers of Tahota Was Invited to Deliver a Lecture for Companies Settled in Plug and Play Incubator Park

2016-10-18 Views:2951

OnOctober 18, 2016, in order to response to the call of “Two Innovation Week Activities”,senior partner of Tahota Chongqing Office Mr. Zhiqiang Liu and LawyerHonglei Wang, Yingfu Luo were invited by Plug and Play Chongqing incubator todeliver a lecture for the newly-established companies settled in its incubatorpark and participated the “Exhibition of PNP & Electronic Science and Technology InnovationAchievements.”

Inthe morning, as the lecturer, Mr. Yingfu Luo shared with the newly-establishedcompanies about common legal issues occurred during operation and domesticlisting path of newly-established companies. Firstly, Mr. Luo explained thecommon legal problems occurred in the process of operation for the entrepreneursfrom the aspects of business entity, contract management, human resources andintellectual property. Secondly, Mr. Luo introduced for the entrepreneurs aboutthe situation and conditions of China main board, GEM listing, nationalequities exchange and quotations and OTC listing as well as the key pointswhich should be concerned during listing. Mr. Luo explained the profoundtheories in simple language with proper examples and the entrepreneursexpressed that they have learned a lot from this lecture. Following Mr. Luo’s lecture,Mr. Honglei Wang exchanged with the entrepreneurs actively on the topics suchas equity incentive, intellectual property rights protection, corporate financingand some other issues closely related to the start-up of a company etc..

Inthe afternoon, the three lawyers from Tahota participated the “Exhibition of PNP & ElectronicScience and Technology Innovation Achievements” held by PNP. As the host, Mr.Liu made the whole activity under a relaxed atmosphere with humorous script andthe newly-established companies brought the technical achievements andintroduced their development idea on wearable devices, big data cleansing,environmental protection and control and laser technology etc.. After theexhibition activity, lawyers from Tahota made a conversation with therepresentatives of the newly-established companies and expressed thecooperation intention with each other.

“Two Innovation Week”, with the full name of National PublicEntrepreneurship and Innovation Week, is a kind of theme activity held with theconcept of “Public Entrepreneurship and Innovation” which was put forwarded byPrime Minister Mr. Keqiang Li during Davos Forum in 2014 summer. “TwoInnovation Week” activity is scheduled to be held in October every year.Activities such as policy propaganda, exhibitions, experience exchange,information release, cultural diffusion, interactions, investment trade andachievements transformation etc. will be held during the week all over China inorder to promote the communication of all kinds of entrepreneurial andinnovation elements and create a favorable innovation atmosphere for theentrepreneurship and innovation. The “Two Innovation Week” platform haspromoted a new round of entrepreneurial and innovation upsurge and gatheredwisdom and strength to realize the innovation drive.


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