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Offering Compliance Training for the World’s Leading Oral Care and Beauty Health Incorporation SUNSTAR

2016-07-05 Views:2675

Tahota Shanghai office was invited to provide one day compliancetraining for the world's leading oral care and health beauty incorporation SUNSTAR. The compliancetraining includes compliance theory, commercial bribery and practices relatedto medical treatment and the pharmaceutical industry and other aspects. Thistraining program receives a good response.

Corporate compliance is one of Tahota’s key business areas. Thistraining is jointly completed by Tianxiang Xie, who is the healthcare teamleader of the Shanghai Office, and Dapeng Xu who is the leader of Japan Desk aswell as Peng Li.

Tahota healthcare team and Japan Desk have always committedthemselves to providing customers with high quality professional legal servicesof medical health and legal services related to Japanese companies, and theyhave several partners and senior lawyers with extensive experience in thatfield.


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