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Tahota Helped Li Ning Company Renew Cooperation Contract with Wade

2018-07-19 Views:3278

   Li Ning Company renewed its cooperation contract with Wade, NBA star, officially on Way of Wade products on July 18, 2018 at Li Ning Center in Beijing, beginning a new era of their cooperation. This renewal will put the two sides into deeper cooperation in terms of the authorization, operation and promotion of “Way of Wade” products, which is a sign of not only the internationalization of Li Ning, but also of the international market of China's sports industry at a higher level.

   After the cooperation agreement, Mr. Li Ning, founder of Li Ning Company, and Wade published “Way of Wade 7" basketball shoes.

   As legal advisers of Li Ning Company, lawyer Li Jinnan, a senior partner of Tahota Law Firm, and lawyer Yang Yue, a lawyer from international business department, provided comprehensive legal services for this renewal. They drafted English documents of this contract renewal and made detailed agreements on product authorization, operation and promotion of both parties. Prior to this, Tahota had offered legal services to a number of customers in sports industry for such terms as brand acquisition, product endorsement, sports team and competition sponsorship and joint capital among brands in marathon races. Having helped Li Ning Company renew cooperation contract with Wade this time, Tahota becomes more experienced in providing legal services for customers in sports industry.


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