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Shanghai Office Supports Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition of North Korean

2019-07-24 Views:3162

     The "Beauty without Borders - Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition of North Korea" jointly hosted by Shanghai Dreams Come True Commonweal Foundation and Liaoning International Cultural and Economic Exchange Center and the Jinzhao Art Museum, was held at the Shanghai Library on the afternoon of July 6.

      More than 100 fine oil paintings in this exhibition were made from the elites of the three generations of contemporary North Korean, including the old, the middle-aged and the young artists. Among them, artists with professional collections in the art market in China, Europe, Southeast Asia or Africa are also included. The subject matters of these works also covered a wide range of fields that Korean artists are good at, and presented the historical process of the nationalization of North Korean oil painting.

      The year 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the DPRK - the 60th anniversary of the "China-DPRK Cultural Exchange Agreement". This year is a historical moment for the great peoples of two countries connected with a narrow strip of water. As a close neighbor to each other, the two countries have frequent cultural exchanges in history. Cultural exchanges serve as an important guarantee for the basis of public relations between the two countries. The Korean nation loves art, including sing and dance. Due to the national cultural pride sense and national art achievement sense, North Korean artists are encouraged to constantly strive to create works and contribute to North Korea’s socialist construction with their artistic achievements.

      Tahota Law Firm Shanghai Office is the supporting unit for this exhibition. The Shanghai Office attaches great importance to professional services in the field of culture and art, paying special attention to contemporary art. Therefore, it continuously creates more professional teams and provides more professional services in the field of art collection and exhibition, and is committed to continuously drive more international art exchanges and cooperation.


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