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Tahota Senior Partner Li Jingchuan Won the Title Asian Legal Business China Top 15 IP Lawyers

2016-12-23 Views:3418

Recently, AsianLegal Business (ALB) announced officially the 2016 top 15 IP lawyers inDecember, 2016. Tahota senior partner Li Jingchuan won the title due to hisoutstanding professional performance and good client reputation.

He was a seniorpartner from Tahota Beijing office and graduated from China people's universityschool of law and tsinghua university school of law. With 20 years of legalexperience and profound research and rich practice in the field of intellectualproperty, lawyer Li Jingchuan has worked as the agent for a number of major ad influentialsocial intellectual property rights, civil and commercial cases. He isexperienced in intellectual property, civil and commercial litigation andarbitration, company legal and contentious cases. He is especially good atdealing with intellectual property of internet companies, science andtechnology enterprises and cultural media companies.

The followingsare some typical intellectual property cases Li Jingchuan involved in over thepast year:

★As the agent forSogou company, he dealt with Baidu Pinyin Input Method patent infringement disputes;

★As the agent forState Grid Corporation of China, he dealt with computer software copyrightlicensing contract dispute among Power uniwue, CA and the third party StateGrid Corporation of China;

★As the agent forShenzhen Flying Eagle Company, he dealt with disputecase in which Shenzhen Flying Eagle Company was accused by   CATIC Beijing Technology Co. Ltd. of “annihilates10 aircraft” related patent infringement;

★As the agent forCYOU company, he dealt with dispute case in which CYOU company accused Qiyoucompany and Xuanyou online company of “Jin Yong’s works” related patentinfringement;

Lawyer LiJingchuan’s main works include: Case Studies for Civil Law (co-author,Tsinghua University Press, 2002), Research and Reference of the LegislativeMode of Legal Persons" (published in Academic Exploration,2002, 6), The Procedural Justice of Criminal Justice (translation,published in Tsinghua Journal of Rule of Law (volume 3), TsinghuaUniversity Press, November in 2002), On China's Copyright Law on theProtection of Legal Person’s Works (published in Electronic IntellectualProperty Rights, 2001,4) and Principle of Private Law, Binary Structure ofRules and Legal Protection of Legal Rights (co-author, published in The Civiland Commercial Law Disputes----Compensation for Mental Injury (civil and commercialresearch books), China Remin University Press, 2004) etc.

Intellectualproperty is the foundation for entrepreneurial innovation. Along with thedevelopment of times, science and technology, intellectual property is facedwith new situation. Therefore, people begin to pay attention to intellectualproperty lawyers’ important role in this process.

Under thisbackground, Asian Legal Business (ALB) has finished the intellectualproperty lawyer research and elected the top 15 excellent intellectual propertylawyers by means of law firm recommendation, lawyer achievements, professionalfeatures, number of new clients, client interview and lawyers marketreputation.


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