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Chinese, German, French, Dutch, and Dutch lawyers discussing the new path for cross-border mergers and acquisitions

2018-01-31 Views:5500

  On January 29, 2018, lawyer Zhu Yifan of Noerr Law Firm in Germany, lawyer Shangyou of Jeantet Law Firm in French, lawyer Zhang Xueying of Sherrods Law Firm in the UK, and lawyer Xu Lin of Loyens & Loeff Law Firm in the Netherlands visited our office, who had in-depth exchanges and discussions with lawyer Li Jinnan and lawyer Yuan Jia, partners of International Business Department, on the typical issues and cooperation paths in cross-border mergers and acquisitions.

  In this exchange activity, lawyers from five countries discussed the characteristics and commonalities of the mergers and acquisitions in China, Germany, France, Britain and the Netherlands. Moreover, they shared the practical problems and solutions in the process of cross-border M&A transactions in the form of cases, and jointly explored new paths for Chinese and foreign lawyers to conduct friendly cooperation in cross-border mergers and acquisitions between China and Europe.

  The four lawyers Zhu Yifan, Shang You, Zhang Xueying, and Xu Lin are also members of the European Chinese Lawyers Association and have extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions in their respective countries. The purpose of this visit was to promote the flow of information and cooperation between Chinese lawyers and European lawyers on cross-border mergers and acquisitions. With the increasing enthusiasm of Chinese enterprises for overseas investment in recent years, European countries’ advanced technologies, resources and energy, infrastructure, real estate, medical care, and culture have also become the focus of Chinese investors with M&A as the main investment method. But they have a trend of tighter regulation at the EU level and at the European level. Therefore, in conducting mergers and acquisitions transactions, it is necessary to carry out careful design in terms of transaction structure, taxation, etc., and it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the local laws, regulations, and policies in order to grasp the risks that may occur in the transactions and to prevent and solve them.

  Tahota Law Firm's cooperation with European lawyers will help our lawyers better understand the important information of European countries' industry information, regulatory policies, etc. in cross-border M&A, and be able to get support from European lawyer partners in the project to better serve China's "going out" business.


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