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Tahota assisted Fujian Investment Group in issuing USD notes in Macao

2021-07-19 Views:21797

Recently, Fujian Investment & Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fujian Investment Group") issued USD 150 million 364-day senior unsecured notes at Chongwa (Macao) Financial Asset Exchange Co., Ltd. ("MOX"). The notes were heavily subscribed by several financial institutions, with a subscription multiple of 5.5 and the final price being 1.88% of the coupon rate.


In the strategic context of "Joint Construction of One Belt and One Road, Development Cooperation between Fujian and Macao", Fujian Investment Group takes advantage of Fujian-Macao in-depth cooperation and actively leverages its leading role as a state-owned provincial-level enterprise in financing and innovation, striving to promote the construction of Macao Finance Center.

As the counsel on Chinese laws, Tahota Law Firm assisted the note issuer in due diligence about Chinese laws and issuing documents review, and issued opinions concerning Chinese laws. The major participating lawyers included our senior partner Yang Pengfei, partner Yang Yue, as well as Kang Xidan, Yang Yi and Li Yuelin.


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