Tahota Was Ranked to “Top-10 Leading Stars” of Asia Legal Business
2009-01-13 Views:14997Tahota Law Firm wasranked as one of Asia’s fastest-growing firms for 2008 in the assessment of“China’s Top-10 leading starts” and “30 Asia’s fastest-growing law firms” ofALB Asia Legal Business for 2008, which was announced recently. During thisassessment, Tahota was shortlisted to the ranking list of China’s Top-10fastest-growing law firms with the considerable result of the net annualrevenue growth of 35%. Asia Legal Business describes Tahota Law Firm like this“Tahota Law Firm has been known as ‘up-rising star’, however, it has become theincontrovertible chief law firm in western region, and it was evaluated as‘West China Law Firm of the Year’ by Asia Legal Business in 2008, which indicatesthat the achievement has be publicly recognized”.