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Tahota Was Elected into the List of Chambers

2010-06-11 Views:14676

In 2010, Tahota Law Firm waselected into the List of Asia’s Leading Lawyers for Business by Chambers againwhich is one of world’s best know legal rating agencies.

On the occasion of Chambersestablishing its Asia-Pacific Headquarter in Hong Kong, the lawyer, ShoutaiCheng, communicated with the Asia Head of Chambers, Ms. Anyi Lu, on Chineselegal profession and the status of development of Tahota Law Firmcomprehensively. Mr. Cheng introduced the professional advantage of legalservice of Tahota Law Firm in the fields of real estate, acquisition andreorganization, finance, trust, equity investment, aviation industry, security,maritime commerce and maritime affairs, labor arbitration and the like to Ms.Lu and expressed the will to cooperate with Chambers deeply.

Mr. Cheng expressed that Tahotawould support the business development of Chambers positively, thanked Chambersfor focusing and approving Tahota and also wished Chambers to pay moreattention to the law firms in western China, and Ms. Lu responded positively.


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