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Tahota Ranked 2022 LEGALBAND Employer of Choice: China Top 20 Law Firms

2022-05-10 Views:3625

On May 10, 2022, LEGALBAND, an international renowned legal rating agency, released the list of "2022 LEGALBAND Employer of Choice: China Top 20 Law Firms". Tahota was shortlisted for our outstanding and professional legal service capacity, sound talent training and promotion system, and high reputation in the industry.

Reasons of listing: Tahota is a large-scale comprehensive law firm with extensive coverage of service network. With a people-oriented and inclusive attitude, the firm focuses on construction of talent force, and has built a scientific and holistic training system and a salary distribution mechanism that integrates strengths of others and is suitable for the overall development of lawyers. In team building, Tahota advocates the development strategy of "endogenous training first with exogenous attraction and merger as a supporting approach", in combination with a "partner guarantee system", to help young lawyers secure a smoother transition to partners, and to further enhance our talent pool and improve talent retention. As for professionalized management and operation, Tahota has been making breakthroughs and innovations to empower legal services with technology. Our "TaiCloud" system has provided a significant driving force for efficient and close cross-team, cross-province and even cross-border cooperation. In addition to pursuing improvements in the business field, Tahota has also been vigorously promoting the spirit of public welfare and committed to social responsibility. "At Tahota, the old ranking system does not exist among the colleagues. The partners always solicit our opinions and give us full right to express ourselves. And the firm shows us enough respect and care, and provides a strong support and guarantee for our work and life. I am very lucky and happy to be a member of Tahota."

The list of "2022 LEGALBAND Employer of Choice: China Top 20 Law Firms" is finalized by the investigation team after researches for over one month, in careful accordance with the self-nominations of each law firm and comments from their employees, and in consideration of the long-term observation and insight of LEGALBAND China residential investigation team for Chinese law firms.


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