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Charles Feng has been shortlisted in the IP STARS List 2023 for Trademark

2023-11-22 Views:2619

In May 2023, Managing Intellectual Property (‘Managing IP’), a well-known press for international intellectual property, have published the IP STARS List for 2023. Charles Feng, the partner of Tahota Law Firm and the Director of International Business Department in its Beijing Office, have been shortlisted in the List for trademark for his excellent performance and profound experience as a legal practitioner in the field of intellectual property.


Managing IP’s publication of legal directory started in 1994, and it was rebranded in 2013 as IP STARS. The research for IP STARS covers more than 6 IP practice areas and more than 70 jurisdictions.

IP STARS is a well-respected and comprehensive professional guide for all the IP law firms and legal practitioners, and has provided important reference for enterprises and individuals seeking for IP legal practitioners with extensive experience.

Mr. Feng’s team consists of over ten lawyers and patent agents, who can provide clients with legal services in the fields of intellectual property, data protection, foreign investment, civil and commercial dispute resolution in Chinese, English, Japanese, French and Malay/Indonesian languages.





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