- Real Estate & Construction
- Banking, Finance & Trust
- Corporate Business, M&A and Bankruptcy Liquidation
- Securities Listing and Capital Markets
- Intellectual Property
- Government & Public Affairs
- Human Resources & Employment
- Cross-Border Business
- Dispute Resolution
- Health Care
- Maritime & Marine Affairs
- Environmental Protection
- Resource and Energy
- Marriage andFamily-related Wealth Management
- Legal Services Relating to Culture & Sports and TMT
- Criminal Defense
- Tax
Legal Services Relating to Culture & Sports and TMT
With respect to the legal services relating to culture & sports and TMT, it is a featured business area derived from intellectual property business. Tahota Law Firm has a long-term professional accumulation and talent platform advantages. Over the years, we have cooperated with well-known international auction houses, national cultural relics exchange centers, domestic well-known sports events, and domestic well-known entertainment brokers, providing timely and efficient legal services in such sectors as art collection investment, national cultural relics entry-exit exhibitions, and intellectual property protection of various cultural and artistic works for customers. In every legal service, we strive to prevent risks, resolve disputes, protect the interests of customers to the greatest extent, and contribute to our customers' management.
The main services in this sector are as follows:
Main Service
- Legal services relating to culture & sports: legal services relating to the preparation of stadiums; legal services relating to sports events; legal services relating to intellectual property protection and dispute resolution; and legal services relating to sports industry investment and financing.
- Legal services relating to art exhibitions: legal services relating to art collection & exhibitions, investment & transactions, and art auctions; art supervision policies and compliance consulting; art transaction dispute resolution; legal services relating to investment collection agencies and high-net-worth individuals; and legal services relating to domestic and overseas exhibitions.
- Legal services relating to lottery and games: legal and regulatory consulting and dispute resolution relating to the lottery industry; protection of virtual property; protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights of games companies; legal advice and operations during the development and operation of online game products; and resolution of disputes over online game contracts and infringement disputes.
- Legal services relating to entertainment and media: consultation on laws and regulations related to entertainment and media; legal services for major projects in the field of culture and media, cultural media companies, restructuring, investment and financing; legal services relating to protection of copyright in cultural and artistic works, exclusive rights to trademarks, and portrait rights, litigation and arbitration.
- Legal services relating to TMT: legal services relating to blockchain technology application; legal services relating to 5G technology application; litigation and legal services relating to mobile Internet, social networking, new media, and e-commerce.
- Set Sail from Fujian | Tahota Law Firm Officially Settled in Fuzhou, Fujian
- Tahota Law Firm has officially completed the establishment of its Bangkok office
- Partners from our firm were on the list of 2020 “The A-List Elite Lawyers of the China Business Law Journal”
- TAHOTA Southeast Asia Legal Services Salon (Myanmar) & RCEP Round-Table Discussion successfully held
- TAHOTA Law Firm Awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” by IFLR1000 China
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