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The 20th Anniversary of Tahota Law Firm|A Special 20th Anniversary on the Banks of Luhu Lake

2020-05-25 Views:34646

At the turn of the century, a batch of new law firms emerged in Chinese law market, and Tahota Law Firm was one of them. In 2000, Tahota Law Firm was established, and now it has grown into a national firm with over 20 branches and 1,400 practicing lawyers. Also, it has generated an income of more than CNY 1 billion so far.


On May 24, 2020, we participated in the 20th anniversary activities of Tahota Law Firm on the lake banks outside A4 Art Museum in Chengdu. Taking responsibility and holding professionalism and tenderness, we chose to establish charitable funds, publish the 20th anniversary books of law and hold Children Charity Painting Exhibition to memorize such a special moment.


Leaders who have attended the activity include: Duan Zhengkun, the former deputy minister of Ministry of Justice; Du Chun, the former director of Department of Guidance of the Work of Lawyers and Public Notaries in Ministry of Justice; Zhang Jiankui, the director of Search Committee of Judges and Prosecutors in Sichuan Province; Liu Zhicheng, the secretary of the Party Committee and director of Sichuan Provincial Ministry of Justice; Wang Qiang, the member of the Party Committee and deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Ministry of Justice; Wang Xiaofeng, the secondary inspector.


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