- Real Estate & Construction
- Banking, Finance & Trust
- Corporate Business, M&A and Bankruptcy Liquidation
- Securities Listing and Capital Markets
- Intellectual Property
- Government & Public Affairs
- Human Resources & Employment
- Cross-Border Business
- Dispute Resolution
- Health Care
- Maritime & Marine Affairs
- Environmental Protection
- Resource and Energy
- Marriage andFamily-related Wealth Management
- Legal Services Relating to Culture & Sports and TMT
- Criminal Defense
- Tax
Securities Listing and Capital Markets
The Securities Business Division of Tahota Law Firm has been engaged in securities listing and capital market for a long time, and has provided professional legal services for many listed companies and capital market entities. The main services in this sector are as follows:
Main Service
- Issuance and listing of domestic securities
- Private equity and fund management
- Acquisition and major asset restructuring of listed companies
- Refinancing of listed companies
- Equity incentive and employee stock ownership plan of listed companies
- Governance of listed companies
- Corporate bonds and debt financing instruments
- Listing and management of new OTC market companies
- Listed companies for private placement, acquisition, restructuring and others
- Settlement of disputes in the securities market
- Other legal services in the capital market
- Tahota Assisted Chengdu Environment Investment Group Successfully in Issuing Medium-term Notes
- Our Firm Assists Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Investment Co., Ltd. to Issue Overseas Dollar Bonds
- Tahota Performance|Tahota assisted EVA Holdings in acquiring Fujifilm (Shanghai)
- This firm will assist Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Investment Development Co., Ltd. to issue overseas US dollar bonds.
- Intellectual Property Seminar丨Tahota lawyer will share his latest insight on online protection of intellectual property in China
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