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TAHOTA Kunming Office

About Us

Based in Kunming City - a famous historical and cultural city of China and as the “radiation center for South and Southeast Asia” in the “Belt and Road” initiative and with the help of Tahota’s integrated global legal service platform, Tahota Kunming Office founded in September 2015 makes full use of its geographical advantages and provides comprehensive and quality legal services for Chinese and foreign clients in various fields, such as company business, construction and real estate, intellectual property, government legal affairs, PPP and the Belt and Road. After three years of development, Kunming Office has already been ranked as one of the best law firms in Yunnan Province.


鑫万邦置业  连云港汽车网  广州市贵兴电子  瀚声企业策划有限公司  炬业机械制造  欧尼斯展览  奇祥服装  培养皿厂商  永心医疗用品  龙海根艺术