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Tahota Helped Huaying Land the Capital Market

2017-02-04 Views:16380

New three board project of ChengduHuaying Consulting and Service Co., LTD. led by our senior partner Lin Zhongqunand hosted by lawyer Xu Zhiyuan has got the letter in which the stock transfercompany agreed it to be listed, which means it is coming to the capital market(stock code: 870937) .

As a leader in southwest Chinaspecializing in business ranging from overseas education to immigration,Huaying was honored as “IELTS partnership program gold intermediary” (thehighest level in southwest China) by the cultural and education section of theBritish Embassy, the only “best honorary partner” of Singapore education inChina by education service department of Singapore Tourism Board for twice, theonly “Australia education consultant expert team” in Sichuan ratified by AEIand “Malaysia's higher education quality partner” by education section of theMalaysian Embassy (only 9 institutions won the title in China). Though with aglorious past, Huayingers never lower their own requirements and always holdthe belief of sincerity, faithfulness and professionalism, which makes us moreconfident in providing legal services for Huaying.

Since Huaying has a wide coverage ofbusiness scope, our lawyers provide it with whole process legal services afterreaching a cooperation intention with it. Combining its business types, ourlawyers have an extensive and in-depth research on laws and regulations andrelevant cases about exit& entry private services, self-funded study abroad,private education and non-enterprise entities. Meanwhile, based on enterpriseaccounting standards, our lawyers have a comprehensive analysis of its businessmodel: founding a training school and participating in establishing a highschool international division. Huaying passed the stock transfer system auditssuccessfully at the end of January, 2017, during which our director ChengShoutai gave his concern and guidance.

Our lawyers’ professional and diligentwork attitude and efficient professional legal analysis ability have won highpraise of clients and other intermediaries. The smooth landing on capitalmarket has a very important symbolic significance for Huaying. It also showsthat Tahota plays an increasingly important role in helping Chinese culture educationtraining related enterprises land the capital market and improving the culturaleducation industry.


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