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Tahota ( Sydney ) Office

Qianyou (Angela) XuLawyer

Personal profile

  • Angela accumulated her experience in this industry since 2014 to provide service to the clients in the areas of Property, Commercial, Family and Migration. She earned positive response and trust from the clients. She assists property projects covered the areas of Australia including development planning. She also assists the clients in the service to provide migration and business planning, especially for business investments’ clients, for providing advice in visa choices, business starts, and home reunions in Australia.

  • Angela Xu is qualified as an Australian solicitor in 2022 and holds a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce.

Education background

  • University of New England-Bachelor of Law

  • University of Newcastle-Bachelor of Commerce

Work experiences

  • 2014-2018 Goodwin & Co Lawyers

  • 2018-today Tahota Law Firm (Sydney)

Representative performance

  • Experience in partner visa, business investment visas, skills visa, working visa or tribunal.
    Concluding conveyancing matters in NSW, VIC, QLD, ACT and TAS, including acting for the purchaser, vendor or developer. Taking compliance check for project development and regulate by-law for projects.
    Taking care the disputes in a Family matter including drafting agreements and lodging divorce application.
    Drafting agreement for corporation, including but not limited to loan agreement, shareholder agreement, employment contract, business sales, franchise/license agreement, or service agreement.

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