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Tahota ( Sydney ) Office

Tahota (Sydney) Law Firm, established in 2018, is the first branch of Tahota law Group to be extended in the Oceania region. The Sydney branch office is located in the central CBD of Sydney, being the capital city of New South Wales, Australia.

Tahota (Sydney) Law Firm characterizes profound awareness and extensive foresight in advanced development, and by recruiting and attracting numerous exceptional lawyers thus depicts its aim in meeting diversified client needs as well as the provision of broad range of professional services to its clients. By offering an all-around three-dimensional legal professional service and ethics being tailored to each individual client’s need, we have won unanimous appraisal amongst our clients as well as other personnel of our industry.

Lawyers of our Firm are not only educated in renowned law school but are also equipped with plentiful practical experience in their relevant areas of expertise. Ultimately ensuring quality service as well as upholding a reliable and responsible persona. Tahota(Sydney)Law Firm reinforced by our abundant client base and collaboration network both with Tahota law Group branches in China and international, we are able to capture and be updated with the latest policy changes, legislations and regulations thus empowering us to provide valuable assistance to our clients in various differing fields of law. We provide one-stop, Chinese-English bilingual legal and compliance services for individual clients as well as companies in Australia. Meanwhile, we also provide legal compliance services in relation to the Chinese law to the Australian companies and organizations which have investment in China.

Tahota (Sydney) Law Firm is qualified to provide legal services with respect to industries including Finance, Construction and Real Estate, Commercial Law, Securities Trade, Funds, Education, Agriculture, Hotels, Mining, Entertainment, Food, Retail, Media, and etc. Meanwhile, Tahota (Sydney) has also accumulated robust experience in numerous areas of law including the Share Market, Funds, Cross-border Investment and Finance, International Trade, Venture Capital, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Investment, International Construction and Projects, Intellectual Property, Immigration and etc.


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