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3rd Salon Held by Tahota International Business Department

2014-08-05 Views:28994

On August 5, 2014, the 3rd salon of Tahota International Business Department was successfully held. This salon was themed at “HR legal service for foreign enterprises”. The main content was to explore the way for lawyers to provide professional and quality legal services for foreign enterprises for HR management.

Full-time lawyer Yingrong Liu presided over this salon. She shared with others features, experience and skills about HR legal services. Senior partner Chunyan Ma and full-time lawyer Wenbo Deng shared with others their excellent practical and theoretical experience. The chief partner Shoutai Cheng pointed out that in order to provide more accurate and professional legal services, lawyers may research series of legal service products so as to facilitate systematic application and promotion. For example, products may be formed based on discussion results of this salon. Cheng’s ideas were agreed by others.

In the end, every lawyer and assistant lawyer attending the meeting expressed their ideas on HR legal service and international legal service and confirmed their benefits acquired through this salon.


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