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On July 2nd, 2016, the mid-year partner conference of Tahota was successfully held in Hilton Hotel in Chengdu.Near a hundred of partners from the office in Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen,Lhasa, Jinan, Kunming, Shanghai and other places are gathered in Chengdu to discussthe development plan of Tahota. Member of the Management Committee, senior partnerZhengping Xu presided over the conference.

According to the conference agenda, anumber of important issues were discussed by all the partners. 25 partnersincluding Jingchuan Li, Guangyao Zhao, Guofeng Fu, Chao Ran, Yuwu Wang werevoted as the new members in accordance with the voting rules of the partners’ conference.Now the number of partners of Tahota has increased to 130.

The strategic layout of setting up officesin Guiyang, Seoul and Pusan was formally decided in the conference. Due to the growthof Tahota, some terms of amendments to provisions needs to be modified oradjusted by partners. And those modification and adjustment were passed byvotes of partners in the conference. Through the partners’ conference, thefollowing strategic direction of Tahota becomes clearer. Tahota will continueto practice the differentiation strategy, break regional restrictions andpromote the strategic layout in the country and abroad.


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