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Tahota Lawyer Firm Assists Chonging Airport Group Co., Ltd. in Issuing 2020 Anti-Epidemic Bond

2020-03-23 Views:17931

On March 11, 2020, Chonging Airport Group Co., Ltd successfully issued the first super short-term commercial paper (first phase) (anti-epidemic bond) through the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors. This issue of bonds does not use any credit enhancement measures. The subject has a credit rating of AAA, the actual total issuance is CNY 600 million, and the bond issuance interest rate is 2.58%, which is lower than the issuer's previous issuance interest rate.


In this project, the issuance of special epidemic bond was of significant importance for driving the whole society to win in prevention and control of COVID-19, and of high social and public value. Our lawyer firm reviewed the qualification of issuing legal papers for “anti-epidemic bond”, and the purpose of raised capital in this project under national laws and regulations and requirements specified in other relevant policies, and guarantee the enterprise to issue in accordance to laws and regulations.


Wang Lei, the leader of Chongqing Tahota lawyer firm and advanced partner of Tahota Lawyer Firm, organized a legal working team for assisting issuance of this bond and providing legal service in the whole course.


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