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Tahota Law Firm continues to hold a post on ALB

2017-11-09 Views:16173

In the monthly magazine ofNovember 2017, Asia-Pacific Law Journal (ALB), afamous legal media of Townsend Reuters, released the list of “Top 50Asia-Pacific Law Firms” and “Top 30 Chinese Law Firms” in 2017. Tahota Law Firm was selected in the above two lists, rankingfifteenth Asia-Pacific law firm and fourteenth Chinese law firm.

For a long time, Tahota Law Firm has never stopped the pace of dreams. As apositive response to the national "The Belt and Road" developmentstrategy, Tahota Law Firm not only has offices in Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing,Guiyang, Ji'nan, Kunming, Lhasa, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Tianjin, Xian (currentlyin preparation for construction), etc., but also has established offices orrepresentative offices in Washington, Hongkong, Seoul, Busan, Australia andother countries and regions, and has reached long-term cooperation agreementswith several overseas law firms. Tahota Law Firm is committed to building up amulti area and international legal service network system with multiplelanguage advantages, information resources and modern office means.

Asia-Pacific Law Journal (ALB), the magazine of Thomson Reuters Group, was founded in 2002,which is a professional media for legal practitioners in the Asia Pacificregion, providing the latest legal and commercial news in and around theregion. ALB holds annual legal awards in China, Japan, Singapore and otherplaces, whose influence covers a number of regions, known as the legal "Oscar".


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