- Real Estate & Construction
- Banking, Finance & Trust
- Corporate Business, M&A and Bankruptcy Liquidation
- Securities Listing and Capital Markets
- Intellectual Property
- Government & Public Affairs
- Human Resources & Employment
- Cross-Border Business
- Dispute Resolution
- Health Care
- Maritime & Marine Affairs
- Environmental Protection
- Resource and Energy
- Marriage andFamily-related Wealth Management
- Legal Services Relating to Culture & Sports and TMT
- Criminal Defense
- Tax
Dispute Resolution
Lawyers fromthe Litigation and Arbitration Divisionhave received professional education at prestigious universities and colleges in China. Some lawyers have worked for judicial institutions, such as public securitydepartments, prosecution bodies and judicial courts. Some lawyers have served as arbitrators of various local and professional arbitration institutions. They are experienced at handling litigation and arbitration affairs and have acted ina number of major complicated cases with great influence. Through long-term practice, the Divisionhas formed an effective litigation working mechanism for lawyers, accumulated a wealth of professional experience, and has the comprehensive ability to integrate various social resources, able to provide high-quality litigation services for clients at home and abroad.We keep abreast of the latest changes in law and practice, and maintain good contact with domestic and foreign counterparts, business circles, government sectors, the judicial circles and the legal education sector. We are committed to providing clients with the top-quality legal service. The main services in this sector are as follows:
Main Service
- Civil, economic, criminal and administrative
- Domestic arbitrations
- Act in foreign-related litigations and arbitration
- International trade arbitration
- Maritime and sea trade-related arbitration
- Other arbitrations
- Interview with IP Experts Draft Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law Online, April 27th
- Set Sail from Fujian | Tahota Law Firm Officially Settled in Fuzhou, Fujian
- Tahota Law Firm has officially completed the establishment of its Bangkok office
- Partners from our firm were on the list of 2020 “The A-List Elite Lawyers of the China Business Law Journal”
- Tahota Law Firm and several lawyers were on the list of “Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021”
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