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Jason YangPartner


  • B.A. in philosophy at Peking University

  • LL.M at Sichuan University

  • Qualification as Chief Coordinator Lawyer of Foreign Trade Enterprise Reorganization

  • Completion of the Burcerius Summer Seminar on German, EU and WTO law.

  • Worked for the Disciplinary Inspection & Supervision Department of Sichuan Provincial Government from Jul. 1991 to Mar. 1997 and mainly engaged in investigation of cases.

  • Acted successively as Deputy Director/Director of Legal Dep. and Certification & Authentication Dep. of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Sichuan sub-council, Secretary-general of Sichuan Mediation Center of CCPIT from Mar. 1997 to Sep. 2003, obtained abundant practical experience in the area of international economic and trade law.

  • Selected as one of the “China foreign-related lawyers” by Chinese Law Press in 2005.

Social positions and Memberships

  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration (MCIArb.).

  • Accredited Arbitrator and Mediator of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC).

  • Accredited Arbitrator of Shanghai International Arbitration Center.

  • Accredited Arbitrator of Chengdu Arbitration Commission.

  • Legal counsel of Sichuan Provincial Government Complaint Center for foreign enterprises.

  • Former accredited Mediator of the Mediation Center of China Chamber of International Commerce.

  • Former Member of Advisory Council for Hong Kong Mediation Center.

  • Former Chief Lawyer of Sichuan Provincial Legal Aid Center.

  • Former Director of the International Financial and Trade Investment Specialized Committee of the Sichuan Bar Association.

Professional Experience

  • 1. Acted as attorney in over 260 cases relating to civil litigation and international commercial arbitration. The amount of the disputed-object added up to more than 5 billion Yuan; among which, more than 100 cases are foreign-related, amount of the disputed-object was 3.5 billion Yuan.

  • 2. Served as legal counselor, undertaking non-litigation legal affairs, for nearly 300 cases (about 100 cases are foreign-related), such as joint venture negotiations, enterprise merger and reorganization, company establishment, construction bidding, tendering and bidding (Engineering Construction), financing lease and legal investigation, and so forth.

  • 3. Served as permanent legal adviser for more than 30 large and medium-sized enterprises and listed companies.

  • 4. Appointed as Presiding Arbitrator/Arbitrator of CIETAC / Shanghai International Arbitration Center / Chengdu Arbitration Commission in more than 30 cases of commercial disputes.

Work Guidelines

  • 1. Adhere to the objective, impartial and rigorous practice attitude and maintain the independence of thinking and judgment as a practicing lawyer.

  • 2. Abide by professional ethics, protect customer's business secrets and personal privacy, and never make use of the confidential information that we know from our practicing activities to seek benefits for ourselves or third parties.

  • 3. Continue to improve professional skills, in order to provide high-level professional services for customers; Accept only competent businesses, and take responsibility for personal and team capabilities, experience and credibility.

  • 4. Be honest, face the complexity of the society, together with the customers, to face the various relations, background and interests that may possibly effect our judgment or service.

  • 5. Persist in the high effective work, try the best to make the client obtain the corresponding practical benefits from our business achievements.

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