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The lawyer of Tahota Law Firm gives a special lecture for European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

2017-10-20 Views:2685

At the invitation ofEuropean Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Wang Xiao lawyer, a partner ofBeijing Office of Tahota Law Firm, gave a special lecture entitled "Sharing onE-Commerce IP Protection" in October 20, 2017 for the member unit of IAMDesk.

By analyzing the typicalcases, Wang Xiao analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the conventionalmethods of intellectual property protection on the e-commerce platform, anddiscussed the difficulties encountered in the intellectual property protectionprocess of auto parts products. At the end of the lecture, Wang Xiao lawyer andLiu Zhan, Xiao Yuexin, lawyers from the Beijing Office, conducted an internaldiscussion with the participants, which made specific analysis and answers tothe specific problems encountered by member units in practice, and shared theexperience gained in handling related cases with the participants.

The event is one of theannual lectures of the independent after-sale working group of automotive partsand components of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Theparticipants had a warm interaction in the lectures and internal discussions,which had been planned for no more than 90 minutes, with a final duration ofmore than 2 hours. The relevant proposals put forward by the lawyers ofTahota Law Firm in the field have also been recognized and praised by the member units.


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